

Associated with 旧暦
Associated with 大韓民国の旧暦
Associated with 陰暦
Associated with 太陰太陽暦
Associated with 李氏朝鮮の旧暦
Associated with 李氏朝鮮の暦
Associated with 大韓帝国の旧暦
Associated with 朝鮮半島の旧暦
Associated with 旧暦 (大韓民国)
Associated with 韓国の旧暦
Associated with 大韓民国の陰暦
Associated with 朝鮮民暦
Associated with 朝鮮民曆
Associated with 朝鮮暦
Associated with 韓曆
Associated with 韓暦
Disassociated from 韓暦
Disassociated from 韓曆
Disassociated from 李氏朝鮮の暦
Disassociated from 大韓帝国の旧暦
Disassociated from 李氏朝鮮の旧暦
Disassociated from 太陰太陽暦
Disassociated from 陰暦