

Associated with 朝鮮半島の紀年法
Associated with 朝鮮半島の在位紀年
Associated with 朝鮮の元号
Associated with 朝鮮半島の元号
Associated with 大韓帝国の紀年法
Associated with 朝鮮半島の私年号
Associated with 元号//朝鮮半島
Associated with 王曆
Associated with 朝鮮の年号と紀年
Associated with 大韓民国の紀年法
Associated with 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の紀年法
Associated with 朝鮮半島の即位紀元
Associated with 朝鮮元号
Associated with 百済の紀年法
Associated with 大韓民国の年号
Associated with 大韓民国の元号
Associated with 大韓民国の私年号
Associated with 朝鮮半島の即位紀年
Associated with 朝󠄃鮮に於ける國王在位の稱元法
Associated with 正豊峻豊等の年號
Associated with 朝鮮に於ける国王在位の称元法
Associated with 正豊峻豊等の年号
Associated with 朝鮮半島国の年号附事大主義一斑
Associated with 朝󠄃鮮半󠄃島國の年號附事大主義一斑
Associated with 書年月󠄃日例
Associated with 附書年月󠄃日例
Associated with 新羅の元号
Associated with 高句麗の元号
Associated with 建元 (新羅)
Associated with 建元
Associated with 宋暦
Associated with 宋曆
Associated with 韓国の年号
Associated with 古代朝鮮三国の建てた年号
Associated with 朝鮮とベトナムの年号についての一考察
Associated with 百済紀年考
Associated with 高麗の元号
Associated with 百済の元号
Associated with 建齋後