

Associated with 蒙古暦
Associated with モンゴル暦
Associated with モンゴルの旧暦
Associated with 蒙古王即位紀年
Associated with 蒙古の紀年法
Associated with 元の元号
Associated with 監国
Associated with 监国
Associated with 蒙古の元号
Associated with 内蒙古の元号
Associated with 外蒙古の元号
Associated with 蒙古即位紀年
Associated with 蒙古国元年
Associated with 蒙古國
Associated with 蒙古国
Associated with 蒙古月名
Associated with 蒙古の日時
Associated with 蒙古の即位紀年
Associated with 北元の元号