

Associated with PRECIS
Associated with PRECIS WG
Associated with RFC 7564
Associated with IETF PRECIS WG
Associated with ietf-precis
Associated with 準備
Associated with 執行
Associated with enforcement
Associated with preparation
Associated with comparison
Associated with 比較
Associated with behavioral rule
Associated with 挙動的規則
Associated with case mapping rule
Associated with 追加写像規則
Associated with additional mapping rule
Associated with directionality rule
Associated with width mapping rule
Associated with normalization rule
Associated with 幅写像規則
Associated with 大文字・小文字写像規則
Associated with 方向性規則
Associated with 正規化規則
Associated with string class
Associated with PRECIS文字列クラス
Associated with PRECIS string class
Associated with profile
Associated with PRECIS profile
Associated with 文字列クラス
Associated with プロファイル
Associated with PRECISプロファイル
Associated with IdentifierClass
Associated with FreeformClass
Associated with UsernameCaseMapped
Associated with 施行
Associated with OpaqueString
Associated with UsernameCasePreserved
Associated with RFC 7613
Associated with RFC 7700
Associated with Nickname
Associated with PRECIS比較