

Associated with JIS X 0213:2000
Associated with JIS X 0213
Associated with JIS X 0213:2004
Associated with JIS2000
Associated with JIS2004
Associated with 2004JIS
Associated with 2000JIS
Associated with JIS X 0213:2012
Associated with 0213
Associated with X0213
Associated with 実装水準3
Associated with 実装水準4
Associated with 漢字用7ビット符号
Associated with 漢字用8ビット符号
Associated with ラテン文字・漢字用7ビット符号
Associated with 国際基準版・漢字用7ビット符号
Associated with ラテン文字・漢字用8ビット符号
Associated with 国際基準版・漢字用8ビット符号
Associated with JIS X 0213:2003
Associated with JIS X 0213:2003?
Associated with -plane1
Associated with plane2
Associated with plane1
Associated with 7ビット及び8ビットの2バイト情報交換用符号化拡張漢字集合
Associated with JISX0213
Associated with JIS0213
Associated with 新JIS
Associated with 新JIS漢字集合
Associated with 第3水準
Associated with 3水
Associated with 第4水準
Associated with JIS第4水準
Associated with 4水
Associated with JIS第3水準
Associated with 第4水準漢字
Associated with 第3水準漢字
Associated with カッコ付きUCS
Associated with 括弧付きUCS
Associated with JA
Associated with J4
Associated with J3
Associated with JA4
Associated with J13
Associated with JA3
Associated with J13A
Associated with J14
Associated with J3A
Associated with カッコつきUCS符号位置
Associated with カッコつきUCS
Associated with jisx0213:2004:33:hyougai
Associated with jisx0213:2004:33:related
Associated with jisx0213:annex7:2.1 b):常用漢字表:いわゆる康煕字典体
Associated with jisx0213:annex7:2.1 b):人名用漢字許容字体表
Associated with jisx0213:annex7:2.1 b):jinmei
Associated with 拡張漢字
Associated with jisx0213:2000:glyph
Associated with jisx0213:2004:glyph
Associated with jisx0213:fdis:glyph
Associated with jisx0213:fdis:glyph:equiv
Associated with jisx0213:fdis:glyph:similar
Associated with jisx0213:2000:cor:correct
Associated with jisx0213:fdis:cor:correct
Associated with jisx0213:2000:cor:wrong:similar
Associated with jisx0213:fdis:cor:wrong
Associated with jisx0213:2000:ucs:()
Associated with jisx0213:2000:annex11
Associated with jisx0213:2000:ucs
Associated with jisx0213:2000cor:ucs:()
Associated with jisx0213:2000:fullwidth:ucs
Associated with jisx0213:2004:ucs
Associated with jisx0213:2000cor:ucs
Associated with jisx0213:2000:annex11:()
Associated with jisx0213:ir:glyph
Associated with jisx0213:ir:glyph:similar
Associated with jisx0213:ir:glyph:equiv
Associated with JIS第3水準漢字
Associated with JIS第4水準漢字