

Associated with 表外漢字字体表試案
Associated with 表外漢字字体表
Associated with 表外漢字字体表(案)
Associated with 印刷標準字体
Associated with 簡易慣用字体
Associated with 3部首許容
Associated with 三部首許容
Associated with NLC Kanji
Associated with 3部首
Associated with 印標
Associated with 簡慣
Associated with hyougai:印刷標準字体
Associated with hyougai:簡易慣用字体
Associated with hyougai:個別デザイン差字形
Associated with jcsh13:(2):confusing
Associated with jcsh13:(7):confusing
Associated with jcsh13:(5):ucs
Associated with jcsh13:jisx0212
Associated with jcsh13:(8):ucs
Associated with jcsh13:(4):jisx0213
Associated with jcsh13:(6):jisx0213
Associated with jcsh13:(7):jisx0213
Associated with jcsh13:(1):jisx0213
Associated with jcsh13:(3):jisx0213
Associated with jcsh13:(9):ucs
Associated with jcsh13:(2):ucs
Associated with jcsh13:(2):jisx0213
Associated with jcsh13:(9):jisx0213
Associated with jcsh13:(3):ucs
Associated with jcsh13:(7):ucs
Associated with jcsh13:(1):ucs
Associated with jcsh13:(8):jisx0213
Associated with jcsh13:(4):ucs
Associated with jcsh13:(6):ucs
Associated with jcsh13:(5):jisx0213