

Associated with Sec-WebSocket-Extensions:
Associated with Sec-WebSocket-Extensions
Associated with extension
Associated with extensions
Associated with WebSocket拡張
Associated with WebSocket extension
Associated with 拡張
Associated with x-webkit-deflate-frame
Associated with permessage-deflate
Associated with RFC 7692
Associated with PMCEs
Associated with WebSocket Per-Message Compression Extensions
Associated with extension in use preceding extension X
Associated with next extension in use after extension X
Associated with extension negotiation offer
Associated with declining an extension negotiation offer
Associated with corresponding extension negotiation response for an extension negotiation offer
Associated with Declining an extension negotiation offer
Associated with extension negotiation response
Associated with Accepting an extension negotiation offer
Associated with accepting an extension negotiation offer
Associated with agreed parameter
Associated with agreed parameters
Associated with frame-rsv3
Associated with extension data
Associated with RSV1
Associated with frame-rsv2
Associated with frame-rsv1
Associated with RSV3
Associated with RSV2
Associated with 拡張データ
Associated with Per-Message Compressed
Associated with メッセージ毎圧縮
Associated with compressed message
Associated with 非圧縮メッセージ
Associated with uncompressed message
Associated with 圧縮メッセージ