

Associated with 神武天皇即位紀元
Associated with 皇紀
Associated with 紀元
Associated with 神武紀元
Associated with 日本紀元
Associated with 神武皇紀
Associated with 皇暦
Disassociated from 紀元
Associated with 紀元
Associated with 神武暦
Associated with 神武
Associated with 神武天皇即位紀年
Associated with 神武天皇
Associated with 建国紀元
Associated with 日紀
Associated with 神武天皇紀年
Associated with 神武天皇紀元
Associated with 皇紀排斥
Associated with 肇国紀元
Associated with 太陽暦御頒行神武天皇御即位ヲ以テ紀元ト定メラルニ付十一月二十五日御祭典
Associated with 日曆
Associated with 大日本國紀元
Associated with 大日本帝國紀元