

Associated with Gregorian Calendar
Associated with Gregorian calendar
Associated with グレゴリウス暦
Associated with グレゴリー暦
Associated with グレゴリアン暦
Associated with グレゴリオ年
Associated with グレゴリオ改暦
Associated with New Style
Associated with 先発グレゴリオ日
Associated with HTML時刻系
Associated with HTMLの先発UTC
Associated with HTML time system
Associated with 遡及グレゴリウス暦
Associated with 先発グレゴリオ暦
Associated with proleptic Gregorian calendar
Associated with proleptic-Gregorian date
Disassociated from HTML時刻系
Disassociated from HTML time system
Disassociated from HTMLの先発UTC
Associated with prolepticGregorian
Associated with http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian
Associated with G
Associated with グレゴリオ暦置閏法
Associated with グレゴリオ年始
Associated with 予測的グレゴリオ暦
Associated with 予期的グレゴリオ暦
Associated with 遡及グレゴリオ暦
Associated with 公曆
Associated with 公暦
Disassociated from グレゴリオ改暦