

Associated with complete representation
Associated with decimal representation
Associated with 完全表現
Associated with 拡張書式
Associated with 精度削減表現
Associated with expanded representation
Associated with 基本書式
Associated with date and time format representation
Associated with date and time representation
Associated with 十進表現
Associated with 日時表現
Associated with representation with reduced accuracy
Associated with extended format
Associated with 展開表現
Associated with 小数表現
Associated with basic format
Associated with 日時書式表現
Associated with ISO 8601:2000
Associated with ISO 8601:1988
Associated with ISO8601
Associated with ISO 8601:2004
Associated with ISO 8601
Associated with JISX0301
Associated with JIS X 0302
Associated with JIS X 0301
Associated with JIS X 0301:2002
Disassociated from 展開表現
Disassociated from expanded representation
Associated with expanded representation
Associated with 展開表現
Associated with 精度を削減した表現
Associated with 小数つき表現
Associated with 小数付き表現
Associated with 時刻指示子付き表現
Associated with 時刻指示子
Associated with time designator
Associated with representation with time designator
Associated with T
Associated with UTC designator
Associated with Z
Associated with UTC指示子
Associated with zone designator
Associated with 時間帯指示子、
Associated with 時間帯指示子
Disassociated from 時間帯指示子、
Associated with truncated representation
Associated with 切り詰めた表現
Associated with ISO 8601の時間形式
Associated with CNS7648
Associated with CNS 7648
Associated with TIS 1111:2535
Associated with TIS 1111
Associated with ISO 8601の日時形式
Associated with ISO 8601の時間長形式
Associated with ISO 8601の時間間隔形式
Associated with ISO/DIS 8601-1
Associated with ISO/DIS 8601-2
Associated with iso8601
Associated with TIS 1111の日時形式
Associated with GB/T 7408-2005
Associated with GB 7408
Associated with GB/T 7408
Associated with GB/T 7408-1994
Associated with GB/T 7408-94
Associated with ISO 8601のプロファイル
Associated with JIS X 0302-1977
Associated with JIS C 6262-1970
Associated with JIS C 6262-1977
Associated with JIS C 6262
Associated with JIS C 6263-1977
Associated with JIS C 6263-1970
Associated with JIS X 0301-1977
Associated with JIS X 0302-1992
Associated with ISO 8601-1:2019
Associated with Date and time -- Representations for information interchange -- Part 1: Basic rules
Associated with Date and time -- Representations for information interchange -- Part 2: Extensions
Associated with ISO 8601-2:2019
Associated with ISO 8601-2
Associated with ISO 8601-1
Associated with JIS X 0301:2019
Associated with JIS X 0301:2002/AMENDMENT 1:2019
Associated with 情報交換のためのデータ要素及び交換形式―日付及び時刻の表記(追補1)
Associated with Data elements and interchange formats -- Information interchange -- Representation of dates and times (Amendment 1)
Associated with jisx0301
Associated with ISO 8601暦
Associated with ISO 19103 Time
Associated with DateTime
Associated with Time
Associated with ISO 19103 DateTime
Associated with Date
Associated with ISO 19103 Date
Associated with ISO 19103の日時形式
Associated with Calendar Date
Associated with Week Date
Associated with Ordinal Date
Associated with representation
Associated with 表現 (ISO 8601)
Associated with 表現
Associated with ISO8601拡張形式
Associated with ISO 8601 Extended Format
Associated with ISO-8601 拡張形式
Associated with ISO-8601拡張形式
Associated with ISO-8601
Associated with X0003
Associated with X 0003
Associated with CNS X 0003
Associated with JIS X 0301-1992
Associated with FIPS PUB 4
Associated with FIPS 4
Associated with Federal Information Processing Standard 4
Associated with FIPS PUB 4-1
Associated with ANSIX3.30-1985
Associated with ANSI X3.30-1985
Associated with ANSI X3.30
Associated with ANSI X3.30-1971
Associated with FIPS PUB 4-2
Associated with ISO 8601:1988/Cor.1:1991
Associated with FIPS 4-2
Associated with FIPS 4-1
Associated with period of time
Associated with STONの日時形式
Associated with ISO style
Associated with KS X ISO 8601
Associated with KS X ISO 8601:2010
Disassociated from Week Date
Associated with ISO 8601:1998
Associated with ISO 2014-1976
Associated with ISO 2014:1976
Associated with ISO 2014
Associated with ISO Recommendation R 2014-1971
Associated with ISO/R 2014
Associated with ISO R 2014-1971
Associated with ISO R 2014
Associated with ISO/R 2014-1971
Associated with ISO 2015
Associated with ISO 2015:1976
Associated with ISO 2015-1976
Associated with ISO/R 2015
Associated with ISO/R 2015-1971
Associated with ISO Recommendation R 2015-1971
Associated with ISO Recommendation R 2015
Associated with आई एस 10934 : 1983
Associated with IS 10934 : 1983
Associated with IS 10934 : 1983/ISO 3307 : 1975
Associated with आई एस 10934
Associated with आई एस 10934 : 1983/आई एस ओ 3307 : 1975
Associated with IS 10934
Associated with IS 11365 : 1985
Associated with IS 11365 : 1985/ ISO 4031 :
Associated with आई एस 10935
Associated with IS 10935 : 1983/ISO 2711- 1975
Associated with आई एस 10935 : 1983/आई एस ओ 2711 : 1975
Associated with IS 11365
Associated with IS 10935 : 1983
Associated with आई एस 10935 : 1983
Associated with IS 10935
Associated with आई एस 11365
Associated with आई एस 11365 : 1985/आई एस ओ 4031
Associated with आई एस 11365 : 1985
Associated with W
Associated with ISO 2711
Associated with ISO 2711:1973
Associated with ISO 2711-1973
Associated with ISO 3307:1975
Associated with ISO 3307-1975
Associated with ISO 3307
Associated with IS0 4031-1978
Associated with IS0 4031:1978
Associated with IS0 4031
Associated with time differential factor
Associated with TDF
Associated with ISO 8601-1:2019/Amd.1:2022
Associated with ISO 8601グレゴリオ暦