

Associated with MessagePort
Associated with ポート2
Associated with port1
Associated with port2
Associated with ポート1
Associated with port
Associated with ポート
Associated with 既に出荷済み
Associated with has been shipped flag
Associated with has been shipped
Associated with 既に出荷済みフラグ
Associated with owner
Associated with 所有者
Associated with create a new MessagePort object
Associated with 新しいMessagePortオブジェクトの作成
Associated with 新しいMessagePortオブジェクトを作成
Associated with entangle
Associated with disentangle
Associated with entangled
Associated with ポート・メッセージ・キュー
Associated with port message queue
Associated with 未出荷済みポートメッセージキュー
Associated with unshipped port message queue
Associated with 未出荷ポートメッセージキュー
Associated with ポートメッセージキューの有効化
Associated with ポートメッセージキュー
Associated with ポートメッセージキューの状態
Associated with 未出荷ポート・メッセージ・キュー
Associated with 出荷
Associated with start
Associated with ポートメッセージキューに追加
Associated with close
Associated with 投稿済みメッセージタスク源
Associated with postMessage task source
Associated with 投稿メッセージ・タスク源
Associated with posted message task source
Disassociated from 投稿メッセージ・タスク源
Disassociated from posted message task source
Disassociated from 投稿済みメッセージタスク源
Disassociated from postMessage task source
Associated with the worker's ports
Associated with ports
Associated with ポート群
Associated with ワーカーのポート群
Associated with 所有子
Associated with メッセージポート