

Associated with JIS X 0208-1990
Associated with JISX0208
Associated with JIS X 0208-1983
Associated with JIS X 0208:1997
Associated with JIS X 0208-1978
Associated with JIS97
Associated with NEC JIS
Associated with NEC漢字コード
Associated with NEC-JIS
Associated with JIS C 6226-1978
Associated with 旧JIS
Associated with 78JIS
Associated with JIS78
Associated with 97JIS
Associated with JIS X 0208:1983
Associated with JIS0208
Associated with JIS90
Associated with 83JIS
Associated with JIS X 0208:1978
Associated with JIS83
Associated with 90JIS
Associated with 新JIS
Associated with JIS C 6226-1983
Associated with JIS X 0208:1990
Associated with JIS X 0208:2012
Associated with 7ビット及び8ビットの2バイト情報交換用符号化漢字集合
Associated with 0208
Associated with X0208
Associated with 漢字用8ビット符号
Associated with 漢字用7ビット符号
Associated with 国際基準版・漢字用8ビット符号
Associated with 国際基準版・漢字用7ビット符号
Associated with テン文字・漢字用7ビット符号
Associated with テン文字・漢字用8ビット符号
Associated with ラテン文字・漢字用8ビット符号
Associated with ラテン文字・漢字用7ビット符号
Disassociated from テン文字・漢字用7ビット符号
Disassociated from テン文字・漢字用8ビット符号
Associated with 互換包摂
Associated with 第1水準
Associated with 2水
Associated with 第2水準
Associated with 1水
Associated with JIS第2水準
Associated with JIS第1水準
Associated with 第1水準漢字
Associated with 第2水準漢字
Associated with 78互換包摂
Associated with 過去の規格との互換性を維持するための包摂規準
Associated with JIS C 6226
Associated with JIS-C6226
Associated with JIS C-6226
Associated with J0
Associated with JIS78字形
Associated with 78JIS字形
Associated with JIS83字形
Associated with 83JIS字形
Associated with JIS X0208:1990
Associated with JIS X0208:1978
Associated with JIS X0208:1983
Associated with 情報交換用漢字符号
Associated with 情報交換用漢字符号系
Associated with jis:1990:glyph
Associated with jis:1990:ir:glyph
Associated with jis:1990:ir:glyph:equiv
Associated with jis:1990:glyph:equiv
Associated with jis:1990:ir:glyph:similar
Associated with jis:1990:glyph:similar
Associated with jisx0208:1978:pr2-4cor:wrong:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1978:glyph:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1978:pr2-4cor:index:correct:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1983:glyph:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1978:pr2-4cor:correct:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1978:pr1cor:wrong:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78
Associated with jisx0208:1997:-78/4X
Associated with jisx0208:1983:pr1:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78-83
Associated with jisx0208:1997:-78/4
Associated with jisx0208:1978:pr2-4cor:index:wrong:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78-83:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1983:pr5:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:-78/4:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1978:pr1cor:correct:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1983:pr5:glyph:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1983:pr1:glyph:equiv
Disassociated from jisx0208:1983:pr1:equiv
Disassociated from jisx0208:1983:pr5:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr4cor:wrong
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78/4-:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:draft:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr7-
Associated with jisx0208:1997:jisdictaug:78:wrong:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78:wrong:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78/5:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr1:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:83:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78/2-
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr5:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78/1:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr2-4
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr1:annex1:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78/4-
Associated with jisx0208:1997:83
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr4cor:correct:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr1:table1:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr4cor:correct
Disassociated from jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr4cor:correct:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr1
Associated with jisx0208:1997:annex7:ed1:pr5
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78/4:correct:equiv
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78/1
Associated with jis:1983:movechanged
Associated with jis:1983:moved
Associated with jisx0208:1997:78:wrong