

Associated with UNASSIGNED
Associated with 未割当
Associated with Unassigned
Associated with unassigned
Associated with 未割当符号位置
Associated with Cn
Associated with 空き領域
Associated with 予約文字
Associated with 予約符号位置
Associated with reserved
Associated with Reserved
Associated with 予約
Associated with 予約済み符号点
Associated with 予約済
Associated with 予約済符号点
Associated with 予約済み
Associated with 予約済符号位置
Associated with reserved code point
Associated with Reserved code point
Associated with 予約符号点
Associated with unassigned code points
Associated with 未割当符号点
Associated with unassigned code point
Associated with 未割当済
Associated with 未割当済符号点
Associated with undesignated
Associated with undesignated code point
Associated with undesignated code points
Associated with not assigned to abstract character
Associated with unassigned character
Associated with 未指示済符号点