

Associated with 期間
Associated with 期間計算
Associated with period
Associated with 期間 (ISO 19108)
Associated with TM_Period
Associated with endedby
Associated with begunby
Associated with range
Associated with 時間間隔形式
Associated with 時間間隔
Associated with 時刻の範囲の形式
Associated with 範囲
Associated with 時刻間隔
Associated with interval
Associated with 時間範囲
Associated with time interval
Associated with time range
Associated with time intervals
Associated with 時刻範囲
Associated with :Interval
Associated with time:Interval
Associated with Time interval
Associated with Interval
Associated with ProperInterval
Associated with time:ProperInterval
Associated with :ProperInterval
Associated with time:DateTimeInterval
Associated with DateTimeInterval
Associated with date-time interval
Associated with :DateTimeInterval
Associated with Date-time interval
Associated with hasDateTimeDescription
Associated with time:hasDateTimeDescription
Associated with :hasDateTimeDescription
Associated with xsdDateTime
Associated with :xsdDateTime
Associated with time:xsdDateTime
Disassociated from 期間計算
Associated with 日時範囲
Associated with 時刻範囲形式
Associated with 時間範囲形式
Associated with 日時範囲形式
Associated with time span