

Associated with EBCDIK
Associated with KEIS78
Associated with Kanji processing Extended Information System code
Associated with KEIS83
Associated with Kanji processing Extended Information System
Associated with KEIS
Associated with 拡張文字セット2
Associated with 拡張文字セット1
Associated with 拡張文字セット3
Associated with KEISコード
Associated with RFC 183
Associated with RFC 338
Associated with JEF
Associated with JEFコード
Associated with Unicode-JEF
Associated with ibmkanji
Associated with Hitachi KEIS
Associated with IBM Kanji
Associated with Fujitsu JFE
Associated with KANJI IN
Associated with KI
Associated with KO
Associated with 漢字イン
Associated with 漢字アウト
Associated with KANJI OUT
Associated with JEF漢字コード
Associated with JEF漢字コード体系
Associated with JEF 漢字コード体系
Associated with JEF漢字
Associated with JEF-EBCDIC
Associated with KEIS2004