

Associated with CURIE Syntax
Associated with CURIE Syntax 1.0
Associated with safe_curi
Associated with 安全CURIE
Associated with safe CURIE
Associated with URIorSafeCURIEs
Associated with SafeCURIE
Associated with SafeCURIEs
Associated with URIorSafeCURIE
Associated with CURIEs
Associated with 参照
Associated with reference
Associated with prefix
Associated with 接頭辞
Associated with 「既定接頭辞」写像
Associated with 「無接頭辞」写像
Associated with 'default prefix' mapping
Associated with 'no prefix' mapping
Associated with 安全 CURIE
Associated with _
Associated with TERMorCURIEorAbsIRI
Associated with SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI
Associated with
Associated with term
Disassociated from 接頭辞
Disassociated from prefix
Associated with 接頭辞
Associated with prefix