

Associated with 2桁西暦年号
Associated with 西暦2桁年号の解釈
Associated with 2000年問題
Associated with Y2K
Associated with 西暦2桁年号
Associated with 西暦1900年暦
Associated with 西暦下2桁年
Associated with tm_year
Associated with 西暦2000年問題
Associated with 2桁年号
Associated with ミレニアム問題
Associated with ミレニアム・バグ
Associated with ミレニアムバグ
Associated with コンピュータ西暦2000年問題
Associated with コンピュータ2000年問題
Associated with コンピューター2000年問題
Associated with Y2K問題
Associated with 2025年問題
Associated with 昭和100年問題
Associated with 民国100年問題
Associated with 2700年問題
Associated with 2040年問題
Associated with 平成100年問題
Associated with 皇紀2600年暦
Associated with 複数紀元詰め込み
Associated with 19100
Associated with 19101
Associated with 19100年問題
Associated with 19101年
Associated with 19100年
Associated with 皇紀下2桁年
Associated with 2010年問題
Associated with Y2K対応
Associated with Y2K10
Associated with Y2K10 Rule Bug
Associated with 2桁西暦年
Associated with ' (西暦年)
Associated with '
Associated with 100年問題
Associated with 2020年問題
Disassociated from 2020年問題
Associated with millennium bug
Associated with Y2K problem
Associated with year 2000 problem
Associated with Date windowing
Associated with date windowing
Associated with pivot year
Associated with date window
Associated with 皇紀2桁年
Associated with 2桁年
Associated with 下2桁年号
Disassociated from Y2K10 Rule Bug
Disassociated from 2010年問題
Disassociated from Y2K10
Associated with 2000年問題デマ
Associated with ISO/IEC 16509
Associated with ISO/IEC 16509:1999
Associated with Information technology — Year 2000 terminology
Associated with Technologie de l'information — Terminologie de l'an 2000
Associated with IEEE Std 2000
Associated with ANSI/IEEE 2000.1
Associated with IEEE 2000.1-1998
Associated with IEEE 2000
Associated with ANSI/IEEE 2000
Associated with IEEE Std 2000.1
Associated with ANSI/IEEE 2000.1-1998
Associated with IEEE Std 2000.1-1998
Associated with IEEE 2000.1-1999
Associated with IEEE Standard for Information Technology: Standard for Year 2000 Terminology
Associated with ISO/IEC 16509: 1999 (IEEE Std 2000.1-1998) Year 2000 Terminology
Associated with IEEE 16509-1999
Associated with Year 2000 Compliant
Associated with Year 2000
Associated with Year 2000 compliant
Associated with compliance date range
Associated with 妥当な日付間隔
Associated with valid date interval
Associated with event horizon
Associated with time horizon to failure
Associated with Year 2000 Life Cycle
Associated with Year 2000 life cycle
Associated with 皇紀2桁年号
Associated with 19100年暦
Associated with 1999年問題
Associated with 昭和問題
Associated with 延長昭和
Associated with two digit year cutoff
Associated with 公元2000年資訊錯亂危機
Associated with 2桁年號
Associated with Y1C problem
Associated with 民國百年蟲