

Associated with (no title)
Disassociated from Content-Type:
Associated with 改元期日
Associated with 建元
Associated with 称元法
Associated with 祥瑞改元
Associated with 改元
Associated with 革年改元
Associated with 称元
Associated with 何々改元
Associated with ○○改元
Associated with 災異改元
Associated with 革命勘文
Associated with 代始改元
Disassociated from (no title)
Disassociated from 改元期日
Disassociated from 革年改元
Disassociated from 革命勘文
Associated with 新元号
Associated with 旧年号
Associated with 旧元号
Associated with 新旧元号
Associated with 新年号
Associated with 元号の復活
Associated with 元号の再開
Disassociated from 新年号
Disassociated from 新元号
Associated with 改年
Associated with 建年
Associated with 東洋式改元
Disassociated from 称元
Disassociated from 代始改元