

Associated with BCP 47
Associated with RFC 5646
Associated with subtag
Associated with 部分タグ
Associated with 部分札
Associated with Preferred-Value
Associated with Suppress-Script
Associated with Deprecated
Associated with Prefix
Associated with 拡張言語形
Associated with extlang form
Associated with RFC 4645
Associated with RFC 5645
Associated with Initial Language Subtag Registry
Associated with ILSR
Associated with Tags for Identifying Languages
Associated with Update to the Language Subtag Registry
Associated with i-*
Associated with Language Tag
Associated with code
Disassociated from Suppress-Script
Associated with extension subtag
Associated with extension
Associated with 拡張
Associated with 拡張部分タグ
Associated with regular
Associated with irregular
Associated with 祖父化言語タグ
Associated with 祖父化
Associated with grandfathered
Associated with IETF言語タグ
Associated with 言語タグの比較
Associated with 言語タグの正規化
Associated with LanguageCode
Associated with %LanguageCode;
Associated with %LanguageCode
Associated with RFC 1766
Associated with x-mtfrom-
Associated with x-mtfrom
Associated with mtfrom
Associated with -x-mtfrom-
Associated with x-mtfrom-en-
Associated with -x-mtfrom-en
Associated with 言語サブタグ
Associated with サブタグ
Associated with BCP 47 language tag
Associated with 副タグ
Associated with private-use
Associated with 私用部分タグ
Associated with private use subtag
Associated with 私用
Associated with private-use sub-tag
Associated with LMT
Associated with Language Metadata Table
Associated with EIDR language code
Associated with EIDR language codes
Associated with valid language tag
Associated with 妥当な言語タグ