

Associated with トルプコヰッチ(甲)修正案
Associated with 暦法改良案
Associated with アケリス世界暦
Associated with アケリス世界暦案
Associated with 暦法改良
Associated with グロスクロード案
Associated with 中正暦
Associated with 世界暦
Associated with 暦法改良案 (20世紀)
Associated with 真正太陽暦
Associated with 国際固定暦
Associated with International Fixed Calendar
Associated with 閏週
Associated with 暦法改良問題
Associated with 実証暦法
Associated with 實證曆法
Associated with Calendrier positiviste
Associated with 実証暦
Associated with 中陽曆
Associated with 中正曆
Associated with 間日
Associated with 余日
Associated with 餘日
Associated with 中陽論
Associated with 華胥国暦
Associated with 天暦
Associated with 世界暦協会
Disassociated from 餘日
Disassociated from 余日
Disassociated from 華胥国暦
Disassociated from 天暦
Associated with Positivist calendar
Disassociated from 閏週
Associated with 暦法改正案
Associated with 北斗暦
Associated with 北斗中正暦
Associated with 恒天暦
Associated with Industrial Era
Associated with IE
Associated with 産業紀元
Associated with 大東亞紀元
Associated with 大東亜紀元
Associated with 閏週案
Associated with calendar reform
Associated with Calendar Reform
Associated with 日本の暦法改良案
Associated with 大東亜暦