

Associated with 中国の標準時
Associated with 中国標準時
Associated with 中国大陸の標準時
Associated with 新疆時間
Associated with 香港の標準時
Associated with 澳門の標準時
Associated with 中国大陸の時間帯
Associated with モンゴルの時間帯
Associated with モンゴルの標準時
Disassociated from モンゴルの時間帯
Disassociated from モンゴルの標準時
Associated with 北京標準時
Associated with 澳門夏時間
Associated with 北京夏時間
Associated with 香港夏時間
Associated with 澳門標準時
Associated with 香港標準時
Associated with 海岸時
Associated with 北京时间
Associated with 北京時間
Associated with 隴蜀時區
Associated with 中原時區
Associated with 新藏時區
Associated with 回藏時區
Associated with 崑崙時區
Associated with 長白時區
Associated with Asia/Urumqi
Associated with Asia/Shanghai
Associated with Asia/Kashgar
Associated with Asia/Chungking
Associated with Asia/Chongqing
Associated with Asia/Harbin
Associated with Asia/Hong_Kong
Associated with Asia/Macau
Associated with 中原標準時刻
Associated with 中原時区
Associated with 中原区
Associated with 崑崙區
Associated with 隴蜀區
Associated with 隴蜀時区
Associated with 長白區
Associated with 回藏区
Associated with 長白時区
Associated with 回藏時区
Associated with 崑崙時区
Associated with 崑崙区
Associated with 中原區
Associated with 長白区
Associated with 回藏區
Associated with 隴蜀区
Associated with 中国の時間帯
Disassociated from Asia/Harbin
Associated with コーストタイム
Associated with 香港時間
Associated with Hong Kong Time
Associated with 支那標準時
Associated with H.K.T.
Associated with 香港地方時
Associated with 香港平均時
Associated with 北京夏令时间
Associated with 中華民国の標準時
Associated with 中華人民共和国の標準時
Associated with HK time
Associated with 中国時間
Associated with 支那海岸時
Associated with マカオ標準時
Associated with マカオ時間
Associated with ウルムチ時間
Associated with 乌鲁木齐时间
Associated with 新疆时间
Associated with 北京標準時間
Associated with 北京平均時
Associated with HKT
Associated with 澳門時間
Associated with 上海時間
Associated with ウイグルの標準時
Disassociated from 乌鲁木齐时间
Disassociated from ウイグルの標準時
Disassociated from ウルムチ時間
Disassociated from Asia/Urumqi
Disassociated from 新疆時間
Disassociated from Asia/Kashgar
Associated with 崐崙區
Associated with 中原區標準時
Associated with 香港標準時間
Associated with Beijing Standard Time
Associated with BST
Associated with Beijin Standerd Time
Associated with 中華人民共和国の日時
Associated with 内蒙古の標準時